Next-Generation Application Outsourcing

Next-Generation Application Outsourcing is redefining what enterprises seek from their IT vendor. Conversations have moved past the conventional objective of cost-efficiency to offering an increasingly strategic value that impacts business objectives. The emergence of disruptive technologies and a growing desire for enterprises to drive business transformation has infused the services sector with innovative tools and solutions. Now, application outsourcing focuses on transformation and how to help businesses thrive more.

In the changing IT landscape, speeding up time-to-market and enabling a customer experience that delights at every stage in the lifecycle are twin essentials to remaining competitive. Next-Gen Application Outsourcing marks a paradigm shift towards a digital business ecosystem— from reducing cost of ownership and increasing operational efficiency to building IT solutions that are business-focused and customer-centric.

Innovation is the name of the game given that the market landscape and customer requirements are constantly evolving, and currently, businesses aim to enhance customer experience using disruptive technologies. Faster service delivery, shorter time-to-market, and new functionalities in real time are the hallmark of IT solutions today. Cloud, IoT, AI, specialized disruptive technologies, and niche services like Fintech have ushered in cost reduction beyond traditional norms, excellent consumer experience, and service levels that offer seamless functionality.

Redefining Customer Experience through Disruptive Technologies?

The focus has moved from standardized solutions to agile and automated processes. Faster time-to-market demands new efficiencies. There is, consequently, a need to look beyond Next-Generation Application Outsourcing as just a disruptive technology and see it as a holistic system engaging and driving business growth. Integrated transition and service delivery frameworks are no longer the focus; total IT outsourcing is. Rather than being driven by convention, Next-Generation Application Outsourcing is here to break the rules.

The changing market landscape has increased demand for Integrated Transition and Service Delivery frameworks with continuous improvement as against the traditional approach of creating different frameworks for Transition and Service Delivery of Infrastructure-focused projects and Application Development and Maintenance projects. Similarly, sourcing traditionally done through tenders, contracts, and recruitment partners is now being done through unconventional methods like conducting hackathons and crowdsourcing.

Traditional modes of forming partnerships, too, are changing. An IT vendor who in the past would tie up with only prominent and established players, is now forging alliances with niche technology product companies and developing deal-based collaborations. Smart companies are moving their HR practices toward an environment of real-time feedback and adopting changing models like pay-for-perform. The bespoke changes and newer, innovative roles that focus on offering prime service are driving the demand for Next-Generation Application Outsourcing. Businesses across verticals are seeking to partner with Next-Gen IT Outsourcing companies to bring in process excellence, reduce total cost of ownership, and succeed in this digital shift through business-focused IT and superior customer services.

The Next-Gen Application Outsourcing framework offered by us works on sustaining momentum and growth, rather than just cutting costs. Enabling and empowering businesses in line with evolving business objectives, we seek to implement solutions that set digital trends and surpass customer expectations. This outsourcing framework is based on six pillars, is market-driven, business-ready, and customer-focused.

Pillar 1: Scale Digital

Increasing competition is now a fact in the IT sector. Technologies that leverage digital are the focus of Scale Digital, the first pillar of the framework. Now, businesses can access digital with horizontal capabilities and vertical-focused offerings, through Brilhub’ unique solution focusing on Digital Services, Digital Integration, Digital Analytics, and Digital Experience with an emphasis on Robotics, Business Process Management, AI, IoT, and Mobility.

Pillar 2: Integrated Delivery

Application, Infrastructure, and Operations converge using cloud technologies and SaaS products. Those looking for one team for multiple operations, shared service centers, and unique service rooted in innovation culture, Brilhub is the go-to vendor for change management as well as sustained momentum and growth.

Pillar 3: Smart IT

Transforming businesses through a next-generation model of service delivery, Smart IT encompasses lean, business-aligned IT, transformational apps, and maturity assessment along with legacy modernization and innovation that always thinks outside the box. Intelligent automation helps us drive smart IT for delivering competitive advantages.

Pillar 4: Agile Leadership

From fixed price to output-based, Brilhub covers the entire gamut of agile projects ensuring certainty, speed, and scale. Kanban has also been adopted as a variant to Agile. The aim is to focus on value addition and value creation.

Pillar 5: Service Culture

Up Your Service, Ignite, and Inspire are value-creating programs undertaken as part of organization’s wide Hi-5 campaign to generate a radical shift in employee behavior. The behavioral shift helps foster new ideas and more value in all client engagements.

Pillar 6: Partner Ecosystem

Partnerships for PoC-based solutions, ERP shared services, Robotic Process Automation, Integrated Delivery, and App development across sectors, locations, and mediums of technology have enabled unique growth for our diverse clientele.

From a customized regulatory reporting system that offers strong data management capabilities and value creation to streamlining operations with a centralized system enriching client experience, Brilhub applies this framework to yield instant acceleration and focus on meeting and exceeding demand metrics. Tackling cost reduction and process inefficiencies, our agile leadership has fostered data-driven business processes across industries.

IT Solutions for a Transformational Partnership

Digital needs are constantly evolving and with this, so must IT vendors. Mapping digital transformation and transforming to further transform, vendors need to position themselves in a new digital context, where business and IT solutions move hand-in-hand, in sync for end-to-end transformation. Revenue is linked to results; so a business-driven approach is critical. The new mandate and tenets for the IT outsourcing industry are to innovate and grow through strategic partnerships. Building new technology capabilities is as important as consolidating the solutions that exist. Revenue alignment, strategic growth, and precise analytics point to the need for a strategic transformation partner that intuitively understands client needs and meets them head-on.

By Dipti Mishra

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